Doprinijeti uvođenju cjelovite seksualne edukacije (CSE) u osnovne i srednje škole na području Republike Hrvatske
Specifični ciljevi projekta:
• Prikupiti dokaze za zagovaranje uvođenja cjelovite seksualne edukacije u osnovne i srednje škole
• Uspostaviti dijalog s predstavnicima JLRS o uvođenju cjelovite seksualne edukacije u osnovne i srednje škole.
• Podići svijest javnosti o dobrobitima uvođenja cjelovite seksualne edukacije u osnovne i srednje škole
1.9.2022. do 30.11.2023.
Opis projekta i projektne aktivnosti:
Projekt “Zdrave veze” je usmjeren na ključni problem nedostatka sadržaja iz domene cjelovite seksualne edukacije (CSE) u kurikulumima škola, neprepoznavanje važnosti istog od strane relevantnih dionika te na stigmu oko CSE koja se temelji na netočnim informacijama.
Ključne aktivnosti su istraživačke aktivnosti u OŠ i SŠ s fokusom na elemente CSE, zagovaranje uvođenja CSE i osvještavanje javnosti o dobrobitima uvođenja CSE. Održivosti pridonosi i jačanje kapaciteta OCD-a, a suradnje tijekom projekta otvaraju prostor za nove nacionalne suradnje i bilateralne suradnje s Norveškom i u širem području rada udruga. Uloga prijavitelja je koordinacija i sudjelovanje u aktivnostima, dok će partnerice iz HR sudjelovati u svim elementima projekta.
Projekt će doprinijeti rodnoj ravnopravnosti i prevenciji rodno uvjetovanog nasilja jer kurikulum CSE djeluje kao mehanizam prevencije rodno uvjetovanog nasilja i nasilja u mladenačkim vezama te se razbijaju rodni stereotipi i uloge što pridonosi rodnoj ravnopravnosti te izgradnji pravednijeg i uključivijeg društva posebice za djecu i mlade kao ranjive skupine.
Program Fond za aktivno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj – financijska podrška Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške u okviru Europskog gospodarskog prostora i Norveških grantova
Nadležno tijelo:
Zaklada Slagalica
Osoba za kontakt:
Maja Obućina, Udruga za ljudska prava i građansku participaciju PaRiter,
Project “Healthy relationships”
Project “Healthy Relationships” is focused on the key problem of the lack of content from the field of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in school curricula, the lack of recognition of its importance by relevant stakeholders, and the stigma based on inaccurate information that’s surrounding CSE.
Key activities are research activities in primary and secondary schools with a focus on elements of CSE, advocacy for the introduction of CSE, and public awareness of the benefits of introducing CSE. Strengthening the capacity of CSOs contributes to sustainability, and collaborations during the project open up space for new national and bilateral collaborations with Norway in the broader field of organizations’ work. The applicant’s role is coordination and participation in activities, while partners from Croatia will participate in all elements of the project. This project will contribute to gender equality and the prevention of gender-based violence, as the CSE curriculum acts as a mechanism for the prevention of gender-based violence and violence in youth relationships, and breaks gender stereotypes and roles, which contributes to gender equality and the construction of a fairer and more inclusive society, especially for children and young people as vulnerable groups.
The general goal of the project:
Contribution to the introduction of comprehensive sexual education (CSE) in primary and secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia
Specific goals of the project:
Collect evidence for advocating the introduction of CSE in primary and secondary schools
Establish a dialogue with representatives of local and regional self-government units about the introduction of complete sex education in primary and secondary schools
Raise public awareness of the benefits of introducing CSE in primary and secondary schools
Contact person:
Maja Obućina, Association for Human Rights and Civic Participation PaRiter,
This project is implemented by the Association for Human Rights and Civic Participation PaRiter, Lesbian Organization Rijeka – LORI, SOS Rijeka – Center for Nonviolence and Human Rights, and Association Delta, while the partner units of local and regional self-government are the City of Rijeka and Varaždin County, while Primosko-Goranska and Sisak-Moslavina County are associated partners. The project “Healthy relationships” was supported by €90,000.00 of financial support from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway within the framework of the European Economic Area and Norwegian grants.